What others are saying about SayNoTo1890.com

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Open QuotationsIt’s always nice to see people making positive comments about something I’ve put so much time and effort in to over the years.

Here’s some of the overwhelmingly positive comments made about the site across the web.Closed Quotatons

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One Response to What others are saying about SayNoTo1890.com

  1. GeoffG 28th August 2017 at 08:59 #

    Thanks for your great service! I’ve never understood the purpose of these 890 & 850 numbers. Are they to make money for the company? I’m used to 1-800 numbers in the USA which are FREE – quite the opposite to 890. Worse still you cannot phone an 890 number through Skype, so forced to use mobile phone and then get put on hold for ages, accumulating big costs..

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