Update Now Completed

House KeepingOver the past number of weeks, I have addressed the almost 250 outstanding e-mails that I’ve received from users of the website – many thanks to everyone for your time and effort in sending suggestions and requests through.

This has resulted in an update to approximately 180 numbers on the website – either new numbers or updates to existing ones.

There are no over 500 geographic alternatives available on this website, helping you save money when making phone calls.

The breakdown of geographic is around about what I would have expected (though not sure why I’d expected these numbers):

1890 alternatives – 60%

1850 alternatives – 25%

0818 alternatives – 15%

Many many thanks again to everyone who has e-mailed the website in the past. There are so many e-mails, I couldn’t respond individually to each one, but please note that I have read and followed up (in one way or another) on every e-mail received.

Don’t forget, you can reach me via this contact page if you have any geographic alternative numbers to be included on the website, or if there are any numbers that you would like me to try to find alternatives for.

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