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Do Not CopyA lot of work has gone into collating the list of phone numbers that’s available on this website.

I fully appreciate that the information is available in the public domain, but it’s still frustrating when people just copy & paste everything to try to make money off the back of the work done here.

Even if it is said that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, the following is the rogues gallery of people who’ve helped themselves to the free listing of information here and then tried to charge people for the same information elsewhere.

HungryFEED can't get feed. Don't be mad at HungryFEED. SimplePie reported: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:

2 Responses to Not

  1. Gerryboy 4th November 2015 at 09:34 #

    That must be so galling.

    I just realised that although I don’t visit this site often, it’s there when I need it & is such a great idea (in the same spirit as / bargain alerts (on, etc.) where the public can sumbit litlle bits of information that may not be much on its own, but makes up a great resource once it’s up and running and presented like this.

    Note: I have started turning off my adblocker (uBlock Origin) on this and other Irish sites that help consumers. It ain’t much, but it’s good to support in some small way.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. MG. 10th December 2015 at 11:05 #

    I see how it is completely unfair to you when other apps and companies rob your information gathered over time from the goodwill and contributions of the Irish public and of course your own hard work. Like so much on the Internet it’s so easy to copy and paste but when companies and apps, like those on your black list, rob information in this way, they really appear as “blood suckers”. I very mush support your site, I’ve been using it on and off for a few years and it’s a great resource.. (Maybe you need your own apps to go with the site? – invite all your site users to join you in supporting it?).

    This site is all the more valuable now when companies and utilities use 1890 numbers so much more to scrape from me the last penny I might have.

    It reminds me of the great gold rush of over 150 years ago in the US ; there was always someone out there to take over your “claim” or “find” once people found out it had something of value. Being creative about protecting your resource probably needs to be a priority – along with challenging those people, companies and apps that have stolen your website information resource. They have no moral integrity.

    But best wishes with the “idea” non the less and keep up the good work.

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