Tag Archives | Bank of Ireland


  • SayNoTo1890 IconBodywhys
    • 1890200444 – Call Instead 012834963
  • BabySkip
    • 1890252392 – Call Instead 014299846
  • Bank of Ireland
    • Bank of Ireland Life 1850309309 Call Instead – 017039537
    • Business Online 1890818265 Call Instead – 014606445
    • Credit Cards 1890251251 Call Instead – 0567757747 (or from 01/2015 try 016615933)
    • Customer Care Unit 1850753357 Call Instead – 016615933
    • Insurance Services 1890604604 Call Instead – 014620222
    • Lost 365 cards & queries 1890706706 Call Instead – 0567757007
    • Telephone banking 0818365365 Call Instead – 014044000
    • Insurance Services (via RSA) 1890608608 Call Instead – 012901958
    • Digital Activation Centre 1890 365 500 – Call Instead 014044000
    • Mortgages 1890365850 – Go to the Bank of Ireland website and get them to call you back
    • Insurance (Galway) 1890365100 or 1890604604 – 014044000 and ask to be put through to department you want
  • Bank of Scotland (Certus)
    • 1890818181 – Call Instead 012674000
  • Barna Recycling
    • 0818287010 – Call Instead 091771619
    • 1890300450 – Call Instead 091771619
  • BHP Insurances
    • 1890666111 – Call Instead 016202030
  • Billpay.ie Customer Support
    • 1890617171 – Call Instead 017057000
  • Blacknight Internet Solutions
    • 1850929929 Call Instead – 0599183072
  • Blinds for Ireland www.b4i.ie
    • 1890200111 Call Instead – 04387775
  • Mr. BinMan Limerick
    • 1890929240 – Call Instead 061359000 (or possibly try 061351127 or 061440474 also)
  • Bitbuzz
    • 1850 248 289 – Call Instead 016788806
  • BizBroker.ie Insurance
    • 1850882100 – Call Instead 09679626
  • Bonkers.ie
    • 1800930255 – Call Instead 012560500
  • Bord Gais Energy Supply
    • Business Customers 1850427700 & 1850405804 – Call Instead – 016021398
    • Electricity Customer Service 1850222255 Call Instead – 012335101
    • Gas Billing Department 1850632632 – Call Instead 012335101
    • Gas Customer Service 1850632632 – Call Instead 012335101
    • Gas Boiler Repair 1850427426 – Call Instead 016021550
    • Account Switching 1850435435 – Call Instead – 012335101
  • Bord Gais Networks
    • 1850200694 Call Instead – 0669791962
  • Board na Mona Fire
    • Magic Fire Lighters 1850744755 Call Instead – 045439000
  • Build With Me
    • 0818303084 – Call Instead 06721983
  • Buy & Sell
    • 0818434343 Call Instead – 016080700 (used to be 016080808)
  • buy4now
    • 1890209309 Call Instead – 012075400
  • Blue Insurance
    • 0818444449 & 0818484484 – Call instead 015135976 (prior to August 2016012478900 or 012478925)
    • Motor Insurance 0818484484 – Call Instead 012994884
  • Bright Promotions
    • 1890274448 – Call Instead 0469068888

Bank of Ireland changing from 1890 to 0818 number for Banking 365

bank of ireland logoJust noticed this on the Bank Of Ireland website

If calling from your mobile, the new number for Bank of Ireland phone banking services is 0818 365 365. If you are calling from a landline, however, you can still use 1890 365 365.

From 8th September 2010, customers will only be able to reach us from a mobile by using this new number – 0818 365 365, while landline users will still be able to use 1890.

Since calls from mobiles to a 1890 number are significantly more expensive to operate, the Bank has followed other major companies and introduced a new ‘telenumber’ to cater for these calls. In most cases there will be no difference in cost to customers calling from their mobile since mobile operators generally charge the same for a 1890 call as a 0818 call. However, you should check with your mobile service provider for more information on your own charges.

To paraphrase Bank Of Ireland here:

We’re using an 0818 number instead of 1890 for customers calling from mobile numbers (the growing majority of our customers since numbers of landlines are falling) so that we can make money off our customers even as they call us for our help.

It costs businesses to provide an 1890 number, but businesses make money for themselves from an 0818 number. So, in theory, the longer you’re held on the phone when they make this change, the more money they’ll make for themselves.

It’d be interesting to see if there’s a longer wait time for Bank Of Ireland clients from September 8th.

Don’t forget though, that the geographical alternative for the 1890 or the 0818 numbers is still 01 404 4000.

Lo-Call comes at a high cost (The Irish Times)


the irish times logoThe Irish Times

Conor Pope

Monday, May 26, 2008

SOUNDING OFF : Ripped off? Stunned by good value? Write, text or blog your experience to us

Stan Conroy in Dublin wrote to ask if we had noticed how many advertisers and service providers are increasingly using 1850 and 1890 “lo-call” contact numbers. “Nearly all government public services now use these numbers,” he says, and while on the surface it might seem like a good deal for consumers, it actually can work against people.

“Many telephone subscribers have Eircom or BT bundles (and there must be tens of thousands) which include ‘free’ local and national calls but with the notable exception of calls to 1850 and 1890, for which there is a charge. So for us 1850 and 1890 calls are anything but ‘lo-call'” he writes.

“1850 calls are charged at the local rate irrespective of duration while 1890 calls continue clicking up cost as the minutes go by.

“As most 1890 calls are to call centres this can build up to be significant cost. By the time you go through all the menus and then hang on for someone to answer, 10 minutes can easily go by, at a cost of about 50c, and that’s before you start to discuss your query. If you could deal with a call centre in 10 minutes that might be ok but experience tells me that it can be much longer and often means a call back to get all the information I require.

“Many of my non-public services are happy to give me a local number when I ask, for example, for AIB, BOI, Hibernian Insurance, Anglo Irish Bank.

“But State services have a reluctance or an inability to give out a local number.”

He accepts that the individual cost per call is not enormous “but the cumulative amount lining the coffers of Eircom etc must be significant”.

10 of the Worst Rip Offs – From You And Your Money

YouAndYourMoney-LogoYou And Your Money

September 25th, 2007

This was published recently in the You and Your Money print magazine, and it’s available here online also. This is only a subsection of the whole article – just the bits relevant to this website.

Beat the rip-off merchants! Brenda McNally rounds up the top ten rip-offs to watch out for.

From banking errors and dodgy billing practices to straightforward overcharging, big business has little hesitation about squeezing Irish consumers. Fortunately, industry watchdogs and consumer groups are flexing their muscles on our behalf.

But if you really don’t want to be ripped off in 2008, don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

Take a look at our list of the top 10 ways consumers were ripped off in 2007 and, if you think you’ve been overcharged, don’t just pay whatever price you’re asked: exercise your vocal chords, query the bill and complain.


Locall and Callsave

Locall (1890) and Callsave (1850) telephone numbers look like a cost-saving option on paper, but that’s not the case for all of us. Irish consumers who are signed up to special telephone and mobile packages are needlessly paying up to €5 a time to ring ‘low cost’ telephone numbers.

This is because these numbers are excluded from the popular mobile and landline phone deals with exclusive minutes. The Consumers’ Association of Ireland (CAI) has highlighted the issue, calling on phone companies to include 1890 or 1850 numbers in their deals.

It has also said that firms with 1850, 1890 and 0818 numbers should do more to make their customers aware of how to make their calls cheaper.

If you’re on a special telephone package, make sure to check how much Locall and Callsave will cost you – if they cost more, try to find out the ordinary number for whatever company you’re looking to call. Why hold…

Alternative LandLine Numbers

You can beat the trap if you dial the ordinary landline numbers of companies: these should be listed on their websites or in telephone books alongside their 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers. You can take down these numbers for a start:

AIB Phone Banking: 1890 242424 – use 01 6670024

Bank Of Ireland Phone Banking: 1890 365 365 – use 01 4044470

Bord Gais Energy Supply: 1850 632 632 – use 01 8190395

ESB Customer Supply: 1850 372 372 – use 01 8529534

VHI: 1850 44 44 44 – use 056 7753200

Hibernian Health: 1850 71 77 17 – use 056 7753200

Ticketmaster Ireland: 0818 719300 – use 01 4569569.

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