• SayNoTo1890 IconBodywhys
    • 1890200444 – Call Instead 012834963
  • BabySkip
    • 1890252392 – Call Instead 014299846
  • Bank of Ireland
    • Bank of Ireland Life 1850309309 Call Instead – 017039537
    • Business Online 1890818265 Call Instead – 014606445
    • Credit Cards 1890251251 Call Instead – 0567757747 (or from 01/2015 try 016615933)
    • Customer Care Unit 1850753357 Call Instead – 016615933
    • Insurance Services 1890604604 Call Instead – 014620222
    • Lost 365 cards & queries 1890706706 Call Instead – 0567757007
    • Telephone banking 0818365365 Call Instead – 014044000
    • Insurance Services (via RSA) 1890608608 Call Instead – 012901958
    • Digital Activation Centre 1890 365 500 – Call Instead 014044000
    • Mortgages 1890365850 – Go to the Bank of Ireland website and get them to call you back
    • Insurance (Galway) 1890365100 or 1890604604 – 014044000 and ask to be put through to department you want
  • Bank of Scotland (Certus)
    • 1890818181 – Call Instead 012674000
  • Barna Recycling
    • 0818287010 – Call Instead 091771619
    • 1890300450 – Call Instead 091771619
  • BHP Insurances
    • 1890666111 – Call Instead 016202030
  • Billpay.ie Customer Support
    • 1890617171 – Call Instead 017057000
  • Blacknight Internet Solutions
    • 1850929929 Call Instead – 0599183072
  • Blinds for Ireland www.b4i.ie
    • 1890200111 Call Instead – 04387775
  • Mr. BinMan Limerick
    • 1890929240 – Call Instead 061359000 (or possibly try 061351127 or 061440474 also)
  • Bitbuzz
    • 1850 248 289 – Call Instead 016788806
  • BizBroker.ie Insurance
    • 1850882100 – Call Instead 09679626
  • Bonkers.ie
    • 1800930255 – Call Instead 012560500
  • Bord Gais Energy Supply
    • Business Customers 1850427700 & 1850405804 – Call Instead – 016021398
    • Electricity Customer Service 1850222255 Call Instead – 012335101
    • Gas Billing Department 1850632632 – Call Instead 012335101
    • Gas Customer Service 1850632632 – Call Instead 012335101
    • Gas Boiler Repair 1850427426 – Call Instead 016021550
    • Account Switching 1850435435 – Call Instead – 012335101
  • Bord Gais Networks
    • 1850200694 Call Instead – 0669791962
  • Board na Mona Fire
    • Magic Fire Lighters 1850744755 Call Instead – 045439000
  • Build With Me
    • 0818303084 – Call Instead 06721983
  • Buy & Sell
    • 0818434343 Call Instead – 016080700 (used to be 016080808)
  • buy4now
    • 1890209309 Call Instead – 012075400
  • Blue Insurance
    • 0818444449 & 0818484484 – Call instead 015135976 (prior to August 2016012478900 or 012478925)
    • Motor Insurance 0818484484 – Call Instead 012994884
  • Bright Promotions
    • 1890274448 – Call Instead 0469068888

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14 Responses to B

  1. Martin Deely 22nd August 2017 at 09:32 #

    Bus Eireann only 1890 number available, I want a regular number.

  2. Gary 23rd August 2017 at 13:30 #

    This is a great website, fair play to you sir! saving everyone money!

  3. Barbara 28th August 2017 at 10:24 #

    That’s a bit harsh but I agree, regarding requests for information a please and thank you should always be the order of the day. However, in answer to B’s request the number for Bus Eireann passenger information is 01 83661111 and for timetable info it’s 01 8302222. Can we please have this number on 1890. Thanks.

    • Ian Murphy 12th January 2019 at 17:03 #

      Hi Barbara, Diarmuid isn’t being the slightest bit harsh to Martin. Self entitled request to a voluntarily provided service!
      Keep up the good work Diarmuid.

  4. Brian 11th September 2018 at 10:52 #

    Hi Diarmuid,
    Bank of Scotland is now using Pepper.
    Could you update Bank of Scotland (Pepper) to 061 236928.
    Thank you for a great site
    Best regards,

  5. Noel Kelleher 16th October 2018 at 10:24 #

    Bespoke Investments – 16 Roden Place , Dundalk — 0818 306090 — 042 9320696 & 042 9396856

  6. Sinead 5th December 2018 at 09:19 #

    Bank of Ireland Insurance is currently 01 611 5400.

    • Paul OMara 4th March 2019 at 01:18 #

      Great service. I was hit with a premium rate charge after calling Blue Insurance using (01) 5135976 looks like a standard Dublin number to me but Skype assured me it’s a split revenue (i.e. premium) number.

      • Ian 25th October 2019 at 22:56 #

        Skype are talking rubbish. It is a Dublin geographic number.

        1513 5976xx, without a leading zero, and with another two digits on the end, would be a premium rate number.

  7. Jim Murphy 6th March 2019 at 20:23 #

    Hi Diarmuid. Is there an alternative number for B O C Gases Office in Athlone. The number I was given is —–1892 220202 Thank You

    Kind Regards


  8. Mary Finn 22nd October 2019 at 09:58 #

    Hello, all

    Thanks for a great website. Just wondering if there is a local number for British Airways, listed as 1890 626 747. There’s a UK 800 247 9297 number too but does this work as a free help-line from Ireland? It seems to connect but I’m nervous at the thought of the usual long expensive session on either line.

  9. Jo 23rd October 2019 at 20:33 #

    British Airways 1890 709 999 is proving difficult to find a geo number for.

    If anyone has any ideas about that, it would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks in advance!

  10. Diana 27th December 2019 at 12:34 #

    Hi Diarmuid this site was really helpful for us. Do you also have a number for Boots customer service? They have 1 890 708 091. Many thanks!!

  11. Luap 12th August 2020 at 14:23 #

    HI, any chance anyone knows an alternative for BE Energy Customer Service? Their listed number is: 1800-817383.

    Thanks for any help.

    Great website. Been using it for many years now.

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