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A – Z Listing

Click on any letter below to see the full listing where geographic alternative numbers are available. Alternatively, you can use the search box on the right hand side to search for a company name or number (without spaces).

Please remember that if there is no geographic number available, it’s simply that I haven’t either been asked for that particular number, or an alternative couldn’t be found. If you can’t find a number, or if you have an alternative number that you’d like to share with everyone, please e-mail me via the Contact page.

























Y / Z


Welcome to – This Website Will Save you Money

This website will save you money on your phone calls to 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers. Irish consumers are needlessly paying out up to €5 a time to call “low cost” telephone numbers like those beginning 1890 — even though they could get the calls for next to nothing.

This is because many organisations and businesses are encouraging their customers to ring their LoCall 1890, or 1850 Callsave, or 0818 National Call telephone numbers at local call rates costing 4.9c a minute in the daytime and 1.26c off-peak.

Click here for an the A to Z listing of geographical alternatives to 1890, 1850 and 0818 number that will save you money.

Click here for the A – Z listing.

But popular mobile and landline phone deals with inclusive minutes exclude calls to LoCall 1890 numbers, Callsave 1850 and national 0818 calls from their minute bundles, hence representing an additional but unnecessary cost to the consumer.

This website will provide Irish consumers with geographical alternative telephone numbers to use instead of the 1890, 1850 and 0818 supplied by Irish Businesses, allowing Irish consumers save some money.
So, if you’re calling from a mobile and use a geographic alternative number instead of a 1890 / 1850 / 0818 number, you can save up to 40c per minute on your calls.

So, save yourself money by using this website on your mobile phone, or on your pc. Say no to 1890 call costs, forget 185o call costs, and say bye bye to 0818 costs. And use this website to do all that, for free.

Using on your mobile

SayNoTo1890 on Mobile DevicesI wrote a while ago that I’d done some work in the background to optimise this website for use on your mobile phone – the original post is here.

Over the past few months, I’ve received some feedback saying that the site sometimes didn’t display pages as expected. After some investigations, I think those problems should be fixed now.

So, if you’ve a “smart phone”, you can create a bookmark for on your home screen that’ll make it just like an “app”, and it’ll take you straight to the A-Z page listing of companies. More instructions on how to do that are provided here.

Low call, high cost (The Irish Daily Star)

Irish Daily Star LogoI was just alerted to this over the weekend. At the end of January, this website made it into the Irish Daily Star, which you can see here.

Low call, high cost
Irish consumers are needlessly paying out up to €5 a time to call ‘low-cost’ numbers such as those beginning LoCall 1890 or 1850 Callsave — even though they could get the calls for next to nothing. That’s according The site points out that popular phone deals with inclusive minutes exclude calls to LoCall 1890 numbers, Callsave 1850 and national 0818 calls from their minute bundles and it provides cheaper alternatives.

If you see the website mentioned anywhere else, or if you hear it mentioned on the radio anywhere, please let me know.

Finally, a geographic alternative for Greyhound, 1890989998

Greyhound LogoFinally, thanks to a user of SayNoTo1890, we have a geographic alternative number for the Greyhound 1890989998 number.

In what has been the most the most requested geographic alternative number that I can remember since setting up this website (well, maybe apart from SKY), a user of the site has very kindly sent me through the geographic alternative for the Greyhound 1890989998 number.

So, instead of dialing 1890989998, you can now call instead – 014612800 and save yourself money on the call.

From various readers, I understand that Greyhound have been very keen to try to direct their new customers ONLY to the 1890 number, but now we can save money by using the 01 number instead.

It’s worth remembering that Greyhound have a couple of other 1890 numbers, all of which have geographic alternatives on the “G” page of this website. Hopefully they won’t try to disable these geographic alternatives – but if anyone notices any changes, please let me know.

PS – to the  so called “innovation” company who stole all the numbers  that I, and the users of this, website have gathered since 2007 on this website so that they could charge people €1.50 for their iPhone app – I know that you don’t have this Greyhound geographic alternative, and I know that you will probably use this blog post as an “inspiration” for your next app update.

Update: November 2014 – Some feedback from other users of the site have indicated that there are various numbers that do work for the Greyhound alternative – please see the “G” page of this website for more details.

Beware imitations – has been ripped off

Forget1850.comIt has been brought to my attention over the weekend that a company has stolen pretty much all of the phone number data from the and created their own version of this website for which they’re charging consumers to use.

This is sad for me for so many reasons.

With the kind help of the users of this website, there is 5 years of work gone into to compile a listing of numbers which will save consumers money on their phone calls, and are available for all to use, free of charge.

To now have a company steal all this work and try to profit from it completely misses the point of why this website was set up in the first place.

I have compared the numbers from this site with the numbers they’re making available – and while they are providing some extra numbers not available here – they have definitely copied the numbers from this website – even the incorrect ones.

It’s kind of ironic really – someone rips off an anti-ripoff website.

So, it’s worth remembering, if you really want to avoid any costs when calling 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers, then using SayNoTo1890 (even on your mobile) is the only way to do it.



SayNoTo1890 now optimised for mobile on Mobile DevicesI’ve just installed something on the website now that should make using the website easier on your mobile phone. I’m still testing it at the moment – it’s working only okay for me right now on Android. And it seems to be fairly functional on the iPhone as well.

So, forget paying any money for an 1850 / 1890 / 0818 app – follow the steps below to add SayNoTo1890 to your home screen on your mobile phone and save yourself some money – by avoiding 1890 / 1850 / 0818 call costs, AND avoid paying out money for apps that this site does for free.

What to do?

Go to whichever is your normal browser on your mobile phone, and navigate to The A-Z page should open up from there and give you the links to access any of the pages containing the geographic alternatives.

If you want to turn this into a (sort of) app, use your mobile phone browsers functionality to “Add shortcut to Home”. That’ll put the SayNoTo1890 icon onto your screen for easy access in the future.

Your thoughts

I’d appreciate if you could try this out to see if it works okay for you, and if the site performs as you would expect.

Update 23.55

Thanks to the SayNoTo1890 user who has already contacted me about searching via the mobile site. I hadn’t noticed that it was missing, but I’ll follow up now to see how I can get it to work.

Updates coming Soon – apologies for the delays

House KeepingMany many thanks to all the users of this site who’ve e-mailed in comments and new numbers over the past couple of months.

My apologies for not acting on them sooner, but I will be updating the site in the next couple days, so your new numbers, your comments and your updates should be available at least by Monday morning.

Please don’t let my tardiness stop you contacting the website either – nothing is being ignored, and everything will eventually make it onto the website.

Some tips on how to find geographic alternatives

HelpIn this earlier note, I refer to the automated e-mail that you’ll get if you e-mail me asking to find a geographic alternative for a particular 1890 / 1850 / 0818 number.

This e-mail provides some tips on how to seek out a geographic alternative number without my assistance. If you do manage to find it, it’d be great if you e-mailed me back to share what you found so that I can share the information with everyone else.

Here’s the e-mail:


This is an automated response.

If you’re sending geographic alternatives, I will update the website asap.

If your’re asking about alternative, can you please first check this web page – – if it’s there, then I cannot find an alternative.

Otherwise, could you please:

1. Go to the Contact page on the website of the company, find the number you have now. Is there a “from abroad” number? Companies provide these numbers also while promoting their 1890, 1850 or 0818 numbers.

2. Do a Google search for the number. Sometimes other websites will provide alternatives for numbers.

3. If you haven’t sent me the 1890 / 1850 / 0818 number, I won’t be able to find an alternative. Please do so now.

If you’ve found the number, e-mail me I’ll share it with others. If not, please bear with me.

If I can find it, I’ll let you know. And if I can’t, I’ll ask the website users if they can help.

Many thanks for using



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