Tag Archives | UPC


  • Ulster Bank
    • Anytime Banking 1850424365 Call Instead – 018047475
    • Credit Card Centre 1890924257 Call Instead – 017025244
    • Ulster Bank Credit Cards – 1890252968 – Call Instead 018892950 or 016085895  and ask to be put through.
    • Internet Helpdesk 1850300365 Call Instead – 018200102
    • Mortgages 1890252272 – Call Instead – 017028662
    • Small Business Support Centre 1850211690 – Call Instead 04890538459 (This is a Northern Ireland geographic alternative number – check how your service provider treats 048 numbers)
    • Bankline (business online banking) 1850211609 – Call Instead 014513007
    • Home Insurance 1890700800 – Call Instead 016650767 (up to 27/09/2016 was 016650757)
    • Merchant Services 04890099201 – Call Instead 017025845
    • Mortgage Debt Assistance 1800435763 – Call Instead 017092118
  • UPC – Chorus / NTL (Now Virgin Media)
    • Customer Care 1890940070 and 1890940251 – Call Instead – 012458000
    • General Sales / Billing Call Instead – 1800234234
  • UPC (Deliveries) (DPD)
    • 0818303606 – Call Instead 012943230 or 0906420547
  • UPS (United Parcel Service)
    • 1890995500 Call Instead – 014006000 (I’m told that they may not be willing to transfer you to the required department)
    • Tracking – Call Instead 015245446
    • Shannon Depot – 061479850
  • UTV Broadband & Phone Customer Support
    • 1890926000 Call Instead – 04890201555 (This is an NI number so can be used on Skype or if you have UK minutes bundles)
  • Unilever Ireland
    • 1850789289 – Call Instead 012914279


  • National Energy Assessors (NEA)
    • 1890793793 Call Instead – 09679477
  • National Irish Bank
    • Credit Cards 1850700221 Call Instead – 016612822
    • eBanking enquiries 1890812007 Call Instead – 014843719
    • Telephone Banking 1850200400 Call Instead – 014781014
  • National Car Testing Service (NCT) (NoMore1890)
    • NCTS Booking Line 1890412413 – Call Instead 014135992
    • 1890200670 Call Instead – 014135955 (NB: I’m told that this number may no longer work).
    • Bookings (Private Cars) 1890927928 Call Instead – 014135994
    • Bookings (SPSV, i.e. Taxi) 1890927927 Call Instead – 014135960
  • NCPS
    • 0818555000 – If you call the mobile 0858640129 it goes through to a reception where you ask for NCPS and when they say dial 0818 if you ask if that is a premium rate they will connect you to their call centre
  • NERA – National Employment Rights Authority
    • 1890808090 Call Instead – 0599178990
  • Newstalk Radio
    • 1890453106 Call Instead – 016445146
  • New Ireland Assurance
    • Protection Policy 1850200318 – Call Instead 016172000 and ask to be put through
    • Savings and Investments 1850200318 – Call Instead 016172000 and ask to be put through
    • Pension Before Retirement 1890882852 – Call Instead 016172000 and ask to be put through
  • NoNonsense Insurance
    • 1890252737 – Call Instead 014194835
  • Northern Rock (Customer Service)
    • 1850315115 Call Instead – 016020324
  • NoWDOC
    1850400911 – Call Instead 0749178100 (number provided during recent Eir outage, so may not still be active)
    • 1890252712 – Call Instead 0469033800
  • NTL / Chorus – UPC
    • Customer Care Call Instead – 012458000
    • General Sales / Billing Call Instead – 1800234234
  • Nightline / Parcel Motel
    • 1890241717 – Call Instead 018835400 or 018835442
  • Neurotech
    • 1890250850 – Call Instead 091774377
  • National Treatment Purchase Fund
    • 1890720820 – Call Instead 016427101
  • Carole Nash Insurance Consultants
    • 1800930802 – Call Instead 016171718
  • Nationwide UK
    • – Call Instead 016505716
  • Newry Road Fuels Dundalk
    • 1850505152 – Call Instead 0429357759



  • Calor Gas
    • 1850812450 Call Instead – 014505000
  • Campus Oil
    • 1850839839 – Call Instead 012735599
  • Cover in a Click insurance
    • 0818911111 – Call Instead 016606900 and ask to be put through
  • CarHireExcess.com
    • 0818286523 Call Instead – 014053790
    • 1890444447 – Call Instead 012478900
  • CarTell.ie
    • 1890252331 – Call Instead 045892496
  • CateringEquipment.ie
    • 1850928999 – Call Instead 051372375
  • Central Statistics Office
    • 1890313414 Call Instead – 0214535000 Ext 5028 or 5029
  • Certus (Halifax)
    • 1890866886 Call Instead – 012674000, or try old Halifax number 0429310600
  • The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Ireland
    • 1890252599 – Call Instead 016763188
  • Chill.ie (Customer Service)
    • 0818302626  or 1890302020 – Call Instead – 014003400
  • Chorus / NTL – UPC (customer Care)
    • 1908 Call Instead – 012458000
  • Christmas2u
    • 0818365222 – Call Instead 0851579866
  • Churchfield Home Services
    • 1890911922 – Call Instead 014105854
  • Citizens Information
    • 1890777121 Call Instead – 0214521600
  • Cruise Paradise
    • 0818333901 – Call Instead 0567770900
  • Citylink
    • 1890280808 Call Instead – 091564163
  • Colgate Dental Offer helpline
    • 0818444849 Call Instead – 014039700
  • Collector General Limerick
    • 1890203070 Call Instead – 061488000
  • Care Visions Fostering
    • 1890555000 – Call Instead 045866066
  • Certus (Bank of Scotland)
    • 1890818181 – Call Instead 012674000
  • The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Ireland
    • 1890252599 – Call Instead 016763188
  • Client Identity Services, Carrick-on-Shannon
    • 1890927999 – Call Instead 0719672616
  • Comhar Linn Credit Union
    • 1850277377 Call Instead – 018731101
  • Commission for Energy Regulation
    • 1890404404 Call Instead – 014000800
  • Commission for Taxi Regulation
    • Consumers 1890606090 Call Instead – 016593800
    • Industry 1890347347 Call Instead – 016593800
  • Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
    • 1890432432 – Call Instead 014025555
  • ComReg
    • 1890229668 Call Instead – 018049600
  • Coverme.ie Insurance
    • 1890904994 – Call Instead 051841766
  • CPL Healthcare
    • 0818365100 – Call Instead 014825491
  • Curran Oil
    • 0818279900 Call Instead – 0498541175
  • CoverU.ie (Credit Union Insurance)
    • 1890410410 – Call Instead (FreePhone) 1800344455 (but might not be free on all phone packages)
  • Cassidy Travel
    • 0818332800 and 0818332535 – Call Instead 018735000 (or 018725000, the Golf Department)
  • Computershare Investor Services (Ireland)
    • 0818300999 – Call Instead 014475566
  • Central Statistics Office
    • PIAAC Section 1890252293 – Call instead 0214535374
  • CCTVIreland.ie
    • 1890866900 – Call Instead 045885694
  • CityPost
    • 1890240240 – Call Instead 014500398
  • Carphone Warehouse Customer Services
    • 1850424800 – Call Instead 018624800
  • closedforbusiness.ie
    • 1890256733 – Call Instead 0419843397
  • Company Registration Office
    • 1890220226 – Call Instead 018045200

When a 1800 (free) number becomes a 1890 number (paid)

upc logoThis is a trick that used to be used by NTL/UPC before they started focusing on their 1906 number. This e-mail from a SayNoTo1890.com reader shows that Dunnes Stores are doing the same thing:

just off the Dunnes Stores helpline. On the website you are directed to 1800-678999 but once as you call it says if you are using a mobile to use 1890-678999. I went on line to see what the difference was in the phone numbers and came accross your website….so just thought it might be of interest to you

dunnes stores logoI’m sure there’s some technical reason in the background as to why a company might do this – because it’s not as if Dunnes Stores make money off the 1890 number.

Anyone have any idea why?

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