Beware imitations – has been ripped off

Forget1850.comIt has been brought to my attention over the weekend that a company has stolen pretty much all of the phone number data from the and created their own version of this website for which they’re charging consumers to use.

This is sad for me for so many reasons.

With the kind help of the users of this website, there is 5 years of work gone into to compile a listing of numbers which will save consumers money on their phone calls, and are available for all to use, free of charge.

To now have a company steal all this work and try to profit from it completely misses the point of why this website was set up in the first place.

I have compared the numbers from this site with the numbers they’re making available – and while they are providing some extra numbers not available here – they have definitely copied the numbers from this website – even the incorrect ones.

It’s kind of ironic really – someone rips off an anti-ripoff website.

So, it’s worth remembering, if you really want to avoid any costs when calling 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers, then using SayNoTo1890 (even on your mobile) is the only way to do it.




One Response to Beware imitations – has been ripped off

  1. David Murphy 25th January 2012 at 21:14 #

    I hope that this does not stop you from updating and maintaining this website. You should get that app and use any additional numbers that they may have. They cannot complain, as they started the plagiarism.

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