• IACP (Irish Association Counselling & Psychotherapy)
    • 1890907265 – Call Instead 012723427
  • ID Mobile Customer Care
    • 1747 or 0897001747 – Call Instead 051349750
  • IFA Member Services
    • 1890924852 / 1890924851 – Call Instead 014265500
  • Iarnrod Eireann Call Centre
    • 1850366222 – Call Instead 018366222
  • IKEA Dublin
    • appliance repair calls only 1890987938 Call Instead – 016590276
    • Customer Service 1890987938 – Call Instead 015413300
  • Imagine Broadband / Wimax
    • Residential Customer Care 1890929394 Call Instead – 014375000
    • Residential Sales Enquiries 1890929292 Call Instead – 014375000
    • Imagine WiMax Sales 1890929007 Call Instead – 014375000, and ask for the department you need.
    • WiMax Customer Support 1890929008 Call Instead – 014375000, and ask for the department you need.
    • Technical Support 1890929399 Call Instead – 014375000, and ask for the department you need.
    • Pay A Bill 1890929395 Call Instead – 014375000, and ask for the department you need.
  • Injuries Board
    • 1890829121 – Call Instead 0238832826
  • Insure.ie
    • 1850434343 Call Instead – 012932300
  • InsureMyVan.ie
    • 0818288288 – Call instead 016606900, then Option 1
  • InkJet.ie
    • 1890665544 – Call Instead 04730933
  • IRFU Rugby Ticket Helpline
    • 0818717117 Call Instead – 014098319
  • Irish Autism Action Helpline
    • 1890818518 Call Instead – 0449331609 or 0449330709
  • Irish Country Hotels
    • 0818281281 – Call Instead 012958900
  • Irish Farm Plastics – IFFPG
    • 1890300444 Call Instead – 014089966
  • Irish Heart Foundation
    • 1890432787 – Call Instead 016685001
  • Irish Rail
    • WIFI (FleetConnect) 0818333388 – Call Instead 018991070
    • Customer Service 1850366222 – Call Instead 018366222
  • Ice Training Solutions
    • 1890252599 – Call Instead 016763188
  • Irish Ferries
    • 0818300400 Call Instead – 016075700
  • Irish Greyhound Board Sales Centre
    • 1890269969 Call Instead – 061448080
    • 1890623624 – Call Instead 018747662
  • Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service
    • 1890551500 Call Instead – 016167700
  • Irish State Savings
    • 1850305060 – Call Instead 017058433
  • Irish Times Delivery Service
    • 0818464465 – Call Instead 016758007
  • Irish Water
    • Applications 1890448448 Call Instead  – 017072824
    • Customer Service 1890278278 Call Instead – 017072828
    • (Sometimes incorrectly – I think – published as 1850278278 – Call Instead 017072828)
  • itsforwomen.ie
    • 1890886227 – Previous alternatives no longer active. Probably just as well, as you’ll likely be charged €10 for any administration carried out by telephone

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6 Responses to I

  1. Stephen Judge 31st August 2017 at 16:54 #

    Irish Life Health
    1890 714 444 -> (021) 480 2040

    • Valerie Merriman 26th September 2017 at 11:26 #

      Thank you Stephen for providing landline number for Irish Life Health. I rang them today, held on for 5 minutes and was then cut-off. Tried a second time and got through without any problem. I have a strong aversion to 1890 numbers and avoid them if I can find an alternative number. Thanks for your help. Valerie Merriman

    • jane 17th September 2018 at 14:45 #

      Thank you Stephen, I was just wondering where to go next to find this no.

    • Joseph sartini 10th January 2019 at 14:42 #

      Very good thanks for that Stephen.

  2. Mike 26th April 2018 at 13:42 #

    Hi, would anyone have a number for Irish life digital doctor as they can leave you on hold for ages

  3. Keith 6th June 2019 at 08:36 #

    Irish Ferries 0818300400, the alternative number 016075700 is just ringing out, tried it 3 times and is the same each time.

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