Categories Archives: User Feedback

Donal, January 2017

Excellent site!!

I’ve used this site many times & saved a fair few bob over the years.

Many, many thanks for taking the time to selflessly devise & update this site

Stan, February 2017

I love your site, sir!!! Many many thanks SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are an absolute GEM!!!!! May the FORCE remain always with you!!! Thanks again!!!!

Lauren, November 2016

just wanted to say thank you for this very helpful website.  someone told me about say no to 0870 on a plane years ago – I’ve only just discovered this Irish equivalent.  All the best to you.

Sinead, October 2016

Thank you for the website. It’s a great help. I’m so sick of trying to run a household and having to call these numbers on a daily basis. I just can’t do it anymore from my mobile. Electricity, gas, phone, helplines even revenue have now changed to 1890.

There should be some regulation on these numbers?

Thanks for running the site.

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