This website is something that I just work on in my spare time, on and off, since 2007. In that time, the site has had hundreds of thousands of visitors. (I wonder how much money has been saved in total over the years).
Below are a selection of the nice comments that people have taken the time to send in about (Honestly, there’s only been two or three negative comments – I’ll come back to them later).
Patricia, May 2012
Firstly I just want to tell you that I think what you are doing is great. Well done !
Thelma, February 2014
You are doing a fantastic job.
I wonder is there any way we can get companies to drop the 1890, & 1850 nos etc and use the ordinary landline numbers?
Would welcome your views.
Peter, August 2012
Just came across this when googling a missed call number. This website is a brilliant idea and I just want to congratulate you. These "low call" numbers are a scam imo and should be done away with. Thanks for all your work!
Mike, February 2017
Fair play, very helpful found what I was looking for.
Ger, November 2014
I have just found your page and I have been incensed with the exorbitant and unnecessary expense I and others have been put to by necessary public services. Can you tell me why has this happened? Who benefits? Who owns these rip-off phone services?
Andy, October 2012
The work you do is very important. thank you so much.
Anne, February 2015
Thank you for posting . Very helpful .great initiative . Appreciated ,most helpful .
Tim, February 2015
Thanks very much for a super website fair play to u
Martin, June 2015
Good site. Much needed
Bill, October 2014
Keep up the good work.
Brian, May 2014
Your website is fantastic, fair play for taking the initiative. I am the communications -mobile/landline administrator for a county council and I have emailed a link and details regards your site to staff. Under our current Vodafone package, 1850/1890 are not included and charged. I hope staff like myself will be more proactive. I have used both eflow and electric Ireland in the past week. Thanks again and fair play to you.
Rudie, March 2016
A site that saves you money instantly, not a promise of savings. What a great site. Thanks.
Kay, June 2012
Great site. Hate having to pay for calls all because companies insist on giving 1890 numbers out. Well done on helping us save money!
Pat, June 2014
Super site, thanks.
Peter, February 2012
Firstly, super work on this site. I used the saynoto0870 site in the UK a lot and after moving home I didn't think there would be an equivalent so I was delighted to find yours here.
Brid, July 2011
I just wanted to thank you very much for your ongoing work with this site – I find it really useful and helpful.
I appreciate that you put in all this work in your spare time – well done and thank you!
Take care,
Peter, February 2014
Fair play to you. Thanks for your service.
Ger, August 2011
This has been a bone of contention for me for a while and finding your site has answered my question regarding getting around 1890 numbers. Just wanted to say thanks for your work on this.
SW, March 2016
Thanks for a great site and a great service.
Sharon, September 2014
By the way, many thanks for the work you put into this site, and am recommending it to everyone I know, many of whom have used it also, and found it a godsend!
Gerry, February 2014
Just wanted tp say thanks for the great service you provide.
Mich, September 2013
Can you believe I was on to Eircom 1890 number I was on hold for over 40MINS but I got a response when I called the 01 number you provided. Thanks for that.
Carole, December 2013
Just to say thanks for setting up this website. well done. I found a number here and will be coming back
Michael, September 2014
love the site. You have saved me a lot of money over the past few months.
Maire, September 2014
Hi Just discovered your website which confirms what my tel accounts keep telling me, that I am ringing these low call numbers which are more expensive if you already have a package covering these calls to various landlines in Ireland and UK for up to an hour... It's absurd that they do not give alternatives and we keep wondering why our bills are so high. My telephone package which includes broadband etc should be €44 a month but it's always adding thing slike these 1890 numbers. Consumers especially older people like ourselves are not very well informed about all this.
Carmie, August 2016
Being a Tesco mobile customer, I love this site…
Ed, September 2016
Keep up the good work! Thanks
Aodhan, July 2015
This is a super useful site – grma
John, June 2015
hi whoever you are,
Savior of the world!
Just a thanks for a great police service - it's really appreciated!
Paul, November 2014
Hi there, I was disgusted to see your site attacked over the weekend. It really sickened me that a random organisation would target your site which is providing such a good service. It just goes to show what a messed up world we live in. Anywya, glad to see you back live. Did your Web Developers or Host Company explain how the attack happened? As a developer it would be really interesting to know.
Nuala, June 2011
You are doing a great job, the website is a terrific resource.
Kevin, February 2016
very useful, cheers
Mairin, February 2014
I just want to say a huge thank you to you for your work in saving consumers so much in unnecessary call costs. The number of businesses bringing in these numbers, presumably for their own benefit rather than that of their customers,is growing at a phenomenal rate. Hats off to you!
Paddy, June 2011
Many thanks for your great service
Ian, October 2012
Great website you have, very handy for people like me who have free landline calls and that can use the alternative numbers listed here!
Maureen, September 2013
Let me start by saying that this is a great site. I use Say No To 0870 in the UK and so searched for a similar site in Ireland and found you. Every time I use your site, whether successfully or unsuccessfully, I sing your praises.
Sandra, September 2015
These Companies advertising that the 1890 number is a low cost number when so many people have been sucked in and they cannot understand why there "Pay as you go" is giving them such bad value they have not twigged its the high cost numbers. They should be brought to Court for Lying as they are NOT low cost phone calls, but the highest one can make, I had one that cost me nearly 10 Euros on top of my phone bill.
It is maddening and infuriating .
Richard, May 2012
Many thanks and fair play to u for ur brilliant site.
Dermot, January 2013
This is a pet hate of mine and I value your site highly as it saves me wasting money.
Do you know if there is a way to find out the number of people who are operating on a price plan or package that includes all their calls to landline numbers in Ireland? This might well be useful in convincing companies to display their geographical number in addition to the 1890 or 1850 numbers. If you know how it can be done, I am willing to do some leg-work to get the answers.
Also, could a campaign be mounted to encourage Leo Varadkar to implement the changes that he so advocated when he was in opposition? And to push for a definition of who, in government or otherwise, is responsible for the foolishness that exists, ie that a system that was supposed to save people money when contacting an organisation is actually costing them extra money. Again, I am willing to give some time to help with this.
Pat, July 2012
I am convinced that the vast majority of people are unaware that they are being charged a premium when they call 1890,1850,0r 0818 numbers. A very large number of companies are now using these numbers to sell their services and products.It is another case of regulation failure.Rip off Ireland again.
Fintan, December 2013
Keep up the good work.
Mary, February 2014
Thanks for all these numbers! well done to you 🙂
Derry, July 2013
BTW Great service many thanks
Rob, July 2013
Thanks a million for this great resource! It's a real cheek for companies to charge for you to call them...
Declan, December 2011
Nice site. I was trying to explain to VHI that they should not be using an 1890 number, especially for their VHI Global department, whose products only apply to those not living in Ireland. As you know 18nn numbers can't be reached from outside Ireland. They pay n cents a minute for incoming calls too. It feel like a waste of time 🙁
Chris, June 2015
thanks for all your help it's a fantastic site and has save me loads
Cillian, August 2016
Thanks for providing such a great site.
Gerry, March 2014
Thank you for what you do.
Antoinette, May 2013
Hi There, I came across your website when I just put into search "what are 1890 numbers", having just noticed for the first time the charges on my Vodafone bill for calls to 1890 numbers, and so many companies use the 0818 / 1890 / 1850 etc. My question is why? Why do so many companies have these numbers...., what is the benefit to the company? And why do you think the mobile phone providers don't include them in their packages when they are so widely used? It is not something they share with you when you sign up for your agreed package, they will tell you 400 free minutes but I don't ever remember them saying to me "but not to 1890 / 0818 or 1850 numbers", they should. If you call an 1890 number from a landline, is it still costing more than just calling the regular 01 +++ number? I am just wondering who these numbers are benefiting?, and they should be obliged to advertise that the locall only applies when dialed from a landline.
Enid, May 2014
Tax offices and other govt offices are increasingly using 1 890 numbers and there is no landline alternative. Many people now have packages allowing them to call any irish landline for no call charge, I pay €45 pm for broadband, and all irish and Uk calls free 24/7. Therefore it costs me when there is only a 1 890 no? Why is revenue doing this? What is in it for them, could they be getting a share of the cost? You have to hold on and on and then the call can be a long one, i was on for 31 min recently due to revenue ROS system having problems. Could this be another stealth tax by the govt?
Pearse, May 2013
Keep up the good work!
Kathy, September 2014
Love your site
Stephen, November 2012
Love the website, keep up the great work!
Barry, November 2012
A quick message to say thanks for the service. At least someone is fighting back!
Sadhbh, August 2011
Love the website! Saving me a fortune already! Thanks
Siobhan, September 2013
We hear your frustration. Thank you from one grateful user of your site. Keep up the good work.
Norma, June 2013
Hi. I don't have your name but I wanted to say thank you, this is a great saving. Have you thought of going to the country with it? Joe Duffy, Pat Kenny or John Murray might well be interested in including it as a feature. Would you mind sending me an email so that I can put you in my address list? Thanks again.
PG, July 2012
Keep up the good work!
Ann, November 2015
Great web info here! Let’s not pay the banks, or other ‘services’, a cent more than we must. Bad enough to be kept waiting and listening to the awful music but to pay extra for privilege is truly galling!!! Well done to saynoto1890! Ann T
Stan, February 2017
I love your site, sir!!! Many many thanks SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are an absolute GEM!!!!! May the FORCE remain always with you!!! Thanks again!!!!
Brian, September 2015
This has to be one of the most useful websites I’ve seen in quite a while!! How come there isn’t a consumer backlash against the telco-companies for offering all-in packages on the one hand and yet in collaboration with all the other service providers conspire to manage to charge for what are otherwise free calls. It’s a bit lousy of them and extremely sly. Thanks for this fantastic resource!!
Eleanor, October 2011
Thanks very much I love this Great Big Idea. Sorry, though amused, to see that some people thought you were providing a new golden pages. They will doubtless be the ones who continue to phone Joe Duffy complaining about phone charges. Don't get mad, get even. I'll follow with interest, Thanks.
TJ, February 2015
Thank you for bringing the information re using 1890 numbers ,I can’t believe company’s are advising us to use these what they call LOW CALL Numbers and charging as much as 3times what it should be . many thanks
Eddie, January 2013
Thanks for a great and truly useful service
Brendan, May 2012
Making calls back home from the uk would have been impossible without your site. Thanks a million!
Jose, February 2016
Thanks for your gigantic website.
Kathryn, February 2012
Many thanks for your site.
Mary, May 2014
Excuse what must seem like a basic query, but am I right in thinking all of these companines somehow make money out of callers calling their 1850, 1890 etc numbers? Else why would they not provide ordinary landline numbers?
Ann, October 2015
Brilliant idea. You should get a medal for this website. Thank you
Cathal, April 2013
Thanks & keep up the good work!
Deidre, September 2013
I have just come across your website for the first time and find it really useful. Many thanks indeed for providing a great service.
Cathal, May 2014
These numbers have been annoying me for years as I have an Eircom package (calls in Ireland free 24 hours) and I really hit the fan today when I tried to contact Electric Ireland......... and could only speak to the auto-voice (or whatever they call it) but as my query was a little out of the ordinary I could not get any information. Tried several number combinations but could not reach a HUMAN.
There was no alternative 7 digit number readily available on either their correspondence or in the telephone directory so I decided to google just to find out the telephone charges. This was when I came across your blog...... Thank you.
Sorry I cannot help you in your mission........ My brain is antique.
Colin, August 2015
BTW, great site, I use it very often.
Mike, August 2016
Well done. I've just called DAFT using your number.
This is a very useful service and if I find any useful numbers going forward I will certainly contribute them.
Bernadette, February 2017
Thanks for your service
Mary, October 2013
Well done to you & thanks a million for taking the time to share with us:)
Laurence, September 2016
thank you operating this valuable service!
James, March 2016
This website is fantastic. It has saved me a lot of money, thanks!
Peter, June 2014
Fair play to you and keep up the fantastic work.
Sean, May 2015
Thank you for providing a great service.
John, October 2014
Keep up the good work.
Noeline, January 2012
I used your site again this morning, its the best. sure why would someone pay when your offering such a great free service, keep up the great work.
Eamonn, January 2016
Well done . It is great to see there is someone who has done something about the PLAGUE of 1890 numbers
Bernadette, August 2016
Great service you are offering.
Very much appreciate your help.
Thomas, August 2014
Great idea for a website.
John, February 2016
excellent site. Keep up the good work!
Rafal, July 2011
Thanks for doing great job sharing alternative numbers.
Miles, February 2014
thank you for uploading all these numbers. Very useful website.
Graham, October 2013
This is a great service thanks for trying hope this leads to someone else getting through for local rate. Thanks for your assistance with other numbers, much appreciated.
Chris, June 2016
Just stumbled across your site ….great service ….had become really annoyed at having to phone 1890 numbers …happy days !!!
Joe, August 2013
When is someone going to organise a campaign to local TDs, Dept. of Communications, etc over the unfair practice of 1890 and 0818 numbers? Why should the consumer be forced by companies such as Ruinair and Sky to spend extra to ring them and see a portion o=f the cost of the call be paid over to that company? I’m amazed that there has not been an outcry over this practice. Thye should be obliged to publish their geographical number and let the consumer decide. I was held on the line by Ruanair this morning for 55 minutes in total!!!
Martin, June 2015
Good site. Much needed
Aidan, August 2015
First of all, well done a brilliant site. I use it often.
Hooman, January 2013
I use the site a lot and I find it fantastic. I run a small business and need to mind the costs. I have a landline which includes anytime calling to national numbers. I simply refuse to use 1890 numbers when I have free calling to anywhere in Ireland. Your site helps me a lot to find fixed landline alternatives to 1890 numbers. Thank you for your great initiative.
John, August 2014
Have you checked with N.C.A. ( National Consumer Agency)and ask them if they are legal under E U law Contract Law . Very interesting as i will check out if they breach E U consumer Law ( My Subject ). I only became aware of this rip off because thats what it is . Dom you have a contact mobile or email address and maybe talk a bit more on the subject.
Maire, October 2011
Great website Thanks a million!
Lauren, November 2016
just wanted to say thank you for this very helpful website. someone told me about say no to 0870 on a plane years ago - I've only just discovered this Irish equivalent. All the best to you.
Jane, August 2013
Congratulations on a very useful service and thanks!
Derek, June 2013
I use your website quite a bit and find it very helpful when searching for geographical landline numbers.
Margot, November 2013
Thanks for all the info, great help with phone costs.
Ferg, January 2013
Great work on all this!
Oliver, November 2011
I will put a link to you on m website and mention you on the blog. Thanks For taking the time to put the site together.
Liz, February 2015
You’re providing a great service on this site. Much appreciated
Thank you
Brendan, May 2012
Great service you run, due to company cost cutting I could no longer access ulsterbank anytime on my mobile untill now thank you very much.
John, March 2011
Great improvement since my last visit. Heard some talk on Joe Duffy re 1890 calls. Wondered did this site get a mention but I only heard a minute. Well done and thanks again.
Kay, September 2014
Love your say no service and I log on and use it all the time. We have free landline calls and I refuse to pay for extra calls when I can simply dial the correct number with a small bit of research. Very little research thanks to the lists you have provided.
David, December 2012
i have had a bee in my bonnet about
this for many years / so THANK YOU
Paddy, March 2014
You provide a great service-thank you.
Liz, February 2015
You’re providing a great service on this site. Much appreciated.
Paul, June 2012
Best wishes with your endeavours.
Owen, September 2016
Thank you for managing this valuable site
Gary, June 2014
Thanks for all this work.
Donal, January 2016
Rudie, March 2016
A site that saves you money instantly, not a promise of savings. What a great site. Thanks.
PG, September 2015
Keep up the good work.
Comreg has no interest in resolving this mess as they state its a marketing decision whether teleco include them in package.They only have to charge same rate as "national".
Revenue shortly are having a big push on 1890-there needs to be a clear government guideline that std numbers must also be quoted at least from government agencies.Most dont even realise that 1890 cannot be dialed outside of Ireland.We need to push this up the agenda with politicians.Do all 1890 numbers have a parallell std number?
Also another problem issue is "076" VOIP....confusing in the 07x but equally as problematic and costly (Bank of Ireland+ Citizens Information) and don't seem to have an STD alternative no.
Rob, October 2011
I believe you just saved me a fiver
Thanks, 1890 alternative numbers for pure profit should be legislated against.

Collette, January 2012
Sorry to hear about your site being ripped off (again). As you probably know by now I have been using your service for years now and find it great so I hate to hear this. I suggest (again) that you make an app version of your site and sell it on Apple and Android. I for one would certainly buy it for my iphone.
Steve, July 2015
Rock on saynoto1890, whoever you are!
I love you!
Keith, May 2014
I'm another one of those people who hates getting ripped off by phone companies and their 'free' calls! My package includes local and national calls and it annoys me to get charged for 1890 calls so I use your site a good bit, thanks.
Ken, November 2012
Thanks for the site!
Gerard, August 2015
Also thanks for being a great resource. I rang some 20 insurance companies looking for a motor quote and besides using my free calls to all networks, your alternative numbers were gift as the terms of this phone package doesn’t include low call numbers. I saved 150 euros.
Frank, February 2016
Thanks to all above,,my first time to take notice of this whole subject... the usual sly ripoff that goes on in this country. If they were honest and told the cost it would pay them more in the long term but they have to sneaky steal from their own costomers.
Mike, January 2013
I was horrified when I got my bill for €35 for calling Aviva about health claim. It is a scandal that companies can still legally use premium lines and call them low call, when most people call from a mobile these days and not a land line. I assume over the years you have written to the National Consumer Association about this outrageous practice in Ireland. Why have they done nothing about it? You should start a partition.
Colm, August 2012
Love the website, can't believe I only fund it now, I've been warning people about calling their "lo-call" number, such as Internet banking for years. Where do you get the alternative numbers? Do all 1890's etc have a geographic alternative? Keep up the good work.
Ahmed, June 2016
You really saved my day, which is even more than money.
Not only Liberty Insurance does only provide 1890 to contact them, but it’s impossible to reach them if you’re on a top up plan, or even from skype.
I was completely stuck and you saved me !!
Valerie, February 2015
Thanks for this great service. Used it today to confirm receipt and activate my new Public Services Card. Instead of phoning 1890 837000 which is not included in my UPC landline package.
Marese, October 2013
Thanks for your work on your website, I think it's great. All the best,
Shane, November 2011
Congratulations on a great website. I'm browned off with these so called lo-call numbers and have not come across your website before. I will be forwarding a link to your website to anyone who's interested. Keep up the good work!
Mary, February 2016
It was wonderful to find your site and even more wonderful to realise there is such a committed person on this planet. I'm nearly 70 and find some of the business world and government agencies becoming very convoluted and dishonourable - under the guise of transparency! Regards and big Godbless you - Mary
Frank, November 2014
I just recently found your site and think it is the best use anyone has made of the Web, so far I've only used it once but I can see me being a regular visitor.
Kevin, September 2014
Love the website. It has saved me money on many occasions.
Do you have an app for android or ios or if not will you be developing one. I know that developing apps cost money, so maybe the people like me who have saved money through your website could help towards the cost. I know i would be willing to help.
Thanks again and keep it going.
Dolores, December 2012
I discovered your website when I was trying to find a geographical number for Sky, who can keep you on a 0818 call for any length of time. I really am fed up with companies listing non geographic numbers as low call which I don't think people realise is of no benefit to them as most phone packages have free geographical calls. I now refuse to dial these numbers. Keep up the good work.
Shane, November 2014
Firstly i just want to thank you for the website. It has been a life saver especially since i am a student.
Pat, February 2015
I love your site and use it all the time, keep up the good work.
Sandra, January 2016
Thank you for providing such a great service since Govt bodies and ordinary Companies are charging these big amounts on the 1890 I rang the Tax Office and my bill was €9.60 absolutely disgusting, the Irish people are getting ripped off.
Colette, October 2015
Hi, I found your website by accident and just want to compliment it and thank you for the work you've done. I've shared it on Facebook because I absolutely hate 1890 and 1850 numbers. I've written to my local TD and to Comreg to try and get them to force businesses etc to include landline numbers aswell as the 1890 and 1850 numbers on letterheads, websites etc but was unsuccessful. My TD referred me to Comreg, Comreg basically said it's nothing to do with them. It drives me crackers and I have wasted a huge amount of time hunting down alternative numbers on websites as a matter of principle. This website wil be a great help. Thanks Colette
Paul, September 2015
I used the number you provided and I got straight through to Energia. Thank you very much.
TJ, February 2015
Thank you for bringing the information re using 1890 numbers ,I can't believe company's are advising us to use these what they call LOW CALL Numbers and charging as much as 3times what it should be . many thanks , tj
Nicola, September 2014
Hi, great job on the website!
Joe, November 2013
I'm sick of the growing trend of companies using 1890 and 0818 numbers. Like you I have complained to Comreg, NCA and even the Dept. of Communications, but no one is interested. I just received a letter from AIB changing to an 0818 number. I went to complain to the Central Bank, to see they use an 1890 number themselves. Is there any point in trying to start a petition website or emailing all contacts with sample letters of complaint to send to the Minister of Communications and their local TD?
Eileen, February 2016
This is fantastic website to know of. Well done for finding and publishing all these numbers. Monbile costs are high enough without being fleeced by the 1890/1850 numbers. Great site.
Basil, October 2012
Excellent site which I've just found and will make full use of. Kudos to you for doing this. My gripe is this. All landline providers exclude all these types of number from their definition of local calls, so, for example, even though I have unlimited geographic landline calls for both Ireland and UK from eircom, if we use a 18 or 08 number they are charged, even if to a business 200 metres away. I'm not sure if you have highlighted this, having just found the site, but it should give you some further leverage to promote the savings which can be made. Best of luck. If you take donations, I will estimate our savings over the next six months or so and help you out with costs to that extent at least.
Anne, February 2012
Many thanks for your fantastic service!
Margaret, February 2016
You are really doing a wonderful job and I thank you for that. I'll certainly promote and credit your site...I found it a long time ago and have been singing its praises whenever possible.
Kevin, August 2011
Well done on the website. Great way for everyone to save a few bob. It would also make a great app if it could be developed.
Joan, February 2014
Many thanks for information on 1890 numbers. Very interesting and useful Regards
Tricia, October 2015
Wonderful site! Has not only saved me money but has actually enabled me to make urgent & important connections that would be impossible otherwise, as I only have a mobile phone and my bundle doesn’t allow access to any 08nn numbers at all. Many thanks! Tricia
Brenda, April 2013
Thank you so much for this free service. It's so good of you to give up your time to help people in such a practical way. I've recommended it to everyone I know! Keep up the great work. I'm sure you have a heap of good karma heading your way.
John, April 2015
Well done, just came across your site and I think it's great. The number of times I have used the "outside of Ireland number" for credit cards etc, would amaze you. I was in Galway a few weeks ago and I needed to book a room in the Travel Lodge, the mobile provider I use does not allow 1890 numbers (48 Go Conquer, it's from their site I got the link to you) so I had to go and get a Meteor sim and €5 credit just to ring the Travel Lodge. I will say it again Well done, a great bit of thinking!!
Best regards and Thank you
Liam, January 2012
Love the site!
Orla, March 2016
Great website. A really good resource. Thanks for the information.
Steve, July 2015
Rock on saynoto1890, whoever you are!
I love you!
John, August 2011
Thanks for the effort of starting this very useful site,I have it bookmarked and it gets a lot of use,it really used to bug me having to pay to use those numbers...not any more 😉
Conor, January 2014
Agree with the above.
Fantastic website! Thank you
John, July 2016
Wow finally someone with a brain cheers
Brian, September 2015
This has to be one of the most useful websites I've seen in quite a while!! How come there isn't a consumer backlash against the telco-companies for offering all-in packages on the one hand and yet in collaboration with all the other service providers conspire to manage to charge for what are otherwise free calls. It's a bit lousy of them and extremely sly. Thanks for this fantastic resource!!
Ian, October 2012
great website you have, very handy for people like me who have free landline calls and that can use the alternative numbers listed here!
Catya, September 2013
First of all thank you so much for all your hard work and sharing it with us. It's very much appreciated.
Kevin, August 2016
Hello i think your website is great
Marie, February 2017
Great website!!!
Padraig, March 2014
Thank you for your good work with this website
JT, October 2011
I've been using your site for years now and I would firstly like to thank you for the savings I've made as a result!
Irene, October 2014
You are doing great work.I do not think people are aware that these lo call numbers are not covered in home and mobile bundles.Thank you
Thomas, November 2009
I just wanted to say thank you for your excellent website. I had to call 8-10 insurance companies today to get quotes and all bar Tesco (no surprise there) were available. The whole time cost me €2.40 in an internet cafe thanks to your numbers! Keep it up, I know it must be a thankless task.
John, February 2017
Andrew, January 2012
Keep up the good work!
Ruth, October 2011
Really great job, thanks a lot!!!!
Helen, October 2014
As a rule of thumb I refrain from calling any so called low call 0818, 1890 etc numbers as the system is designed not to save the caller money but to make money for the companies that subscribe to these services. Its a sad state of affairs when companies keep callers hanging on for as long as they can to extract the maximum time callers will pay for this service. Deceitful and Shameful.
Declan, April 2013
Super Website!! especially when my landline calls are included in my package
Dermot, November 2011
Great site, thanks 🙂 The hidden charges of calls from mobile phones to ESB etc. ( not included in Call Plans of any mobile I've had) are sneaky and essentially dishonest. Your site is a great service to Joe Public in the ongoing war against Ripoff Ireland.
Mary, September 2012
Tks so much for brill will save people a fortune.just a quick quistion why do vopmanies companies use these numbers.there must be a reason why they wont use there 01 or 051 etc is fair annoying when you get a phone bill and see all the extras because of These numbers.would companies be willing to give out that number. Tks again.
Pat, February 2015
I love your site and use it all the time, keep up the good work.
Eddie, July 2012
hi and what a great site. i was just ringing aib bank and they advertise there number as 0818-724724 but please advise people here to use there other number please.and its 01-7712424,,its so much cheaper.
Maurice, August 2016
Hi, great site!
Ben, August 2011
Thanks for maintaining this website, its great.
Eileen, February 2016
This is fantastic website to know of. Well done for finding and publishing all these numbers. Mobile costs are high enough without being fleeced by the 1890/1850 numbers. Great site.
Michael, May 2012
This is a fantastic idea. I cen't understand why companies don't ditch the 1890 number altogther mine just did.
John, January 2014
Hi. Love your site and use it quite regularly. How about an app on your phone that gives you all the numbers or when the phone tries to ring out an 1890 or 1850 that the app takes over and gives you an alternative number. the app could be initially free...but as membership progresses charge a nominal fee for updating. Just a suggestion and keep up the good work.
Leanne, November 2012
Thanks for your website. I regularly used in the UK and was delighted to find your website when I moved here...I assume you're linked. Great website!
PK, July 2015
Thanks for your work on this site. Myself & family find it very useful.
Josh, February 2015
I just want to say this is one of the best sites I've ever come across. I'm on a bill phone and it's mad money to even be 1 minute on an 1890 number. So thanks
Tess, November 2011
Just to say thanks .your information is great. i never knew about the 1890 numbers. I had thought that it was to reduce the cost to me not the other way.
Denise, July 2015
I love your site by the way and use it all the time; it's a great resource and has saved me a fortune. Thank you.
Hope this helps some people!
Mary, August 2015
Thank you so much for setting up such an excellent page. I really appreciate it. I had to ring Irish water. Thanks to your web site, they didn’t have the ability to rip me off by using their 1800 number.
Sean, May 2013
It would be great if also include 0818 and other types of premium numbers into you brilliant app and on this website.
Amc, February 2015
Thank you so much for a brilliant website, simple to use and saving a fortune!
David, February 2012
Can I first of all congratulate you on the site. I have provided a couple of alternative numbers in the past
Tracy, July 2015
Thanks for the alternative number, now I can ring Bank of Ireland as part of my landline package for no extra charge.
Andrew, August 2012
HI came across your site before , but need a number today and rediscovered it , Now on my links of my safari page .. is there a way we can lobby the government or business and bring more awareness to this SCAM .. This subject is one of my pet hates , Keep up the good work
Niall, December 2011
Thanks for your site, its invaluable!
Janice, January 2015
Didn’t realise just how expensive 0818 numbers were and gave up when I tried to contact on their 0818 number to resolve an order query. No listing for them, does anyone have one please? Have brought this issue up each time I’ve had to call a 18XX or 15XX number and each time I’ve been told that “this is our only number”. So so glad that this site exists now, I’ve already found a few useful alternative numbers. Well done.
Christin, May 2015
Thanks a lot for this. I was cut off not realising that I was using a premium number and now I can use these numbers.
Good of you to publish.
Jonathan, March 2013
Just to say thanks setting up a very good interesting website.
Chris, June 2016
Just stumbled across your site ….great service ….had become really annoyed at having to phone 1890 numbers …happy days !!!
Eric, December 2013
Great idea, I love it!. I have long been frustrated with my phone carrier charging for 1850 and 1890 calls when I have a 'free' calls package. Thanks
Deirdre, February 2016
Thanks for the website - it's great!
Cillian, November 2015
Thanks for setting up and maintaining this site. I hope it gives you reward. I tell as many friends as will listen!
John, August 2015
Thank you so much for putting these up.
Between Revenue/UPC/Eircom/Aviva/TSB, I was pissed off getting additional call charges on my phone bills when I had all inclusive packages.
Thanks again. Will link this site as often as I can
Aoife, February 2015
just to say well done this is really great. If I come across anything I'll send it on to you, Thanks for maintaing the site
Mary, August 2015
Thank you so much for setting up such an excellent page. I really appreciate it. I had to ring Irish water. Thanks to your web site, they didn’t have the ability to rip me off by using their 1800 number.
Donal, January 2017
Excellent site!!
I’ve used this site many times & saved a fair few bob over the years.
Many, many thanks for taking the time to selflessly devise & update this site
John, August 2014
Thanks for the help, the websites great!
Colm, February 2016
Thank You!!!!!#
I was stuck abroad and unable to reach Aer Lingus Thanks
Michael, October 2013
Nice site, saved me a few bob!
Sile, March 2014
As a frequent and appreciative user of the information you provide, this website came to mind when I wondered if there was a campaign against the practice of companies answering dialled (charged) calls with initial "info"/ads, which consume expensive phone time, before allowing the caller to access the service they dialled for? They will call it information but frequently it is an ad the caller is involuntarily paying to receive. This may be acceptable on freefone numbers but surely not on charged calls?
Hope my point is clear!
Chris, January 2013
Firstly, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your website! These numbers have been bothering me for so long. I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one.
Valerie, February 2015
Thanks for this great service. Used it today to confirm receipt and activate my new Public Services Card. Instead of phoning 1890 837000 which is not included in my UPC landline package, I called 01 7043000 and got through very quickly and got transferred to the correct person. Job done in under 2 minutes.
John, May 2013
Great site, really helpful to avoid being ripped off on call charges.
Marie, February 2012
I think this site is just brillant, Well done on providing these nos to us all. 1850 nos only cost 5c from a land line no matter how long you are on for and 25c on mobile but the 1890 nos and 0818 are a real rip off! Id love to know who is getting the money for these calls. Keep up the good work. and Ill be keeping an eye on this site reguaraly. Cheers Marie
Katy, May 2015
Thanks a lot for this. I was cut off not realising that I was using a premium number and now I can use these numbers.
Good of you to publish.
Karen, December 2013
Thank you for the service you provide
Gina, May 2014
I totally agree with you on this....nonsense locall numbers my eye. Thank you.
Sinead, October 2016
Thank you for the website. It's a great help. I'm so sick of trying to run a household and having to call these numbers on a daily basis. I just can't do it anymore from my mobile. Electricity, gas, phone, helplines even revenue have now changed to 1890.
There should be some regulation on these numbers?
Thanks for running the site.
Joan, September 2013
Just wanted to say how good your website is. Well done! I've used it often and tell anyone I know about it.
Zak, September 2014
You are a STAR. Love you loads.
Morgan, October 2013
Hi, thanks so much for providing a great service, and for sticking it to the man. If this was an app I think you could do really well out of it. Best wishes
Brid, March 2014
I use this site quite a lot thank you.
Keara, June 2014
nice site, well done!
Jose Maria, November 2015
Hello lads. Great job what you are doing.
Matthew, November 2013
Just wanted to say thank you for putting this excellent website together. I look it up quite a lot (as you can imagine) and really appreciate that someone has gone to the trouble to assemble all this helpful info. on a website. Good for you, and good for all of us!! All the best
Declan, March 2011
Looking good, certainly more attractive than the old site, like the red font as well as getting the message across
Ahmed, April 2016
You really saved my day, which is even more than money.
Not only Liberty Insurance does only provide 1890 to contact them, but it’s impossible to reach them if you’re on a top up plan, or even from skype.
I was completely stuck and you saved me !!
Derek, August 2016
Just would like to say that it's a great site and it's very much appreciated the service that you provide. Well done and all the best for the future.
Thank You.
Dermot, December 2012
And thank you for your excellent service that I use very frequently.
Will, February 2014
Thanks _ great resource – used ptsb geo for difficult account query- took over 30 mins to get beyond autopilot and deal with query- 1890 would have been outside my 3 bundle- asked rep to record my complaint that geo was not on statement – she agreed both should be on with appropriate advice note as the point is to offer best customer service. She said she understood ptsb were subsidising 1890 calls as a service! Could it be true both ends of the call are the paying telecomns for a call which could in my case be in my 3 bundle if geo?
Thanks again
David, November 2011
Just found your site and I would like to commend you for doing this. thank youso much for setting up a great site,have a bundle with eircom rip off if i find any numbers i will forward them to you.
Mary E, October 2015
Just to say a big thank you. I need to ring up one of the bank (sters) but I will not pay telephone charges. M.E
Helena, July 2013
I love your site.
Patrick, April 2014
I use this site regularly, brilliant thanks
Kieran, June 2015
Your site is just amazing really and thks
Pat, May 2014
Great site, very useful & helpful.
Paul, May 2013
Thank you for the website. why is there such a proliferation of these 1850 / 1890 numbers ? do the companies concerned save money by having them ? what is the position of the telecom regulator on this scam ? thanks again
Tim, February 2015
Thanks very much for a super website fair play to you.
Ann, April 2014
YOU'RE GREAT ! Whoever you are
Aodhan, July 2015
This is a super useful site – grma. Bail ó Dhia ar an obair!
John, July 2016
Great site.
Thanks a million.
Richie, August 2013
Many thanks for the service and the numbers.
Randall, February 2016
Tried calling and 1890 number 3 times this morning – must have spent 5 to 10 minutes listening to their garbage. Then took you advice, looked at the old fashioned telephone book, got the land-line number and dialled it. Total satisfaction
Mike, December 2015
Thanks for the info. Nice to see people fighting back against these sneaky costs.
Philip, November 2011
Hi, Just discovered your site through great stuff. I have it as a favourite on my iphone but the a/z link doesn't seem to work like on my pc. Have you got any plans on bringing this in app form that will work on a phone. I think it would be a huge success.
Daniel, October 2014
Thanks for the great website
Maria, August 2011
This is a great site well done, it cost me 1.94 to ring my insurance com the other day with my mobile only on the phone for a few mins, glad I found this site. Thanks again.
Kay, October 2012
Keep up the great work with this sitel. I hate 1890 no.s and will not call them and use your site to avoid them all the time and then google what I can't find here. Why should we pay for 1890 calls when most of us have free calls within Ireland! Makes me mad that businesses are doing this. I am surprised that there is not more talk about this waste of money for people in this time of recession. You should go on radio to promote this!
T, January 2016
Great site, keep up the good work.
Jayne, December 2011
Your website is very helpful, thanks.
Mary, June 2015
Thank you for this web site. Spent all day yesterday trying to find a non 1850 number for Airtricity that I could call from the UK with no success. Happened on your web site this morning – Hey Presto found number and job done.
I have shared you on facebook – not sure how to leave a comment otherwise.
Thank you once again.
Ingrid, January 2015
Thanks for such a great service.
Josh, February 2015
I just want to say this is one of the best sites I’ve ever come across. I’m on a bill phone and it’s mad money to even be 1 minute on an 1890 number. So thanks
Peter, November 2013
I think your service is great and I often use it.
POS, January 2016
Thank you for a great service.
Ken, November 2011
Great work on the site. Keep it up. I try to tell everyone I know about it. Super utility.
Ken, June 2012
Keep up the EXCELLENT work on this site. I use it all the time; I hate being ripped off with exorbitant call rates. Am delighted I can finally contribute a number to your list. 🙂
Brendan, May 2015
Your web site is just brilliant and you are to be applauded for helping phone users avoid the rip off that is inherent in so called "lo call" numbering. I use your site regularly.
John, December 2016
Great helpfull website !!!!! Recommended to all
Donal, April 2013
Thank you for a great service.
Cian, August 2013
Excellent website, great resource, as the vast majority of people make calls from their mobiles these days.
Alan, September 2014
Don't mind the ass holes just keep doing what your doin it's a start in the fight against all the crap that's GoinG on in this country we need more like you . To sin by silence when we must protest makes cowards out of people. sounds good yeah .anyway moving on. On a website scroll down to terms and conditions or privacy or whatever else is there in small print at the end of the page you will find a landline or for international callers always works for me . keep the faith our day will come. . . .
John, February 2012
Thanks for providing this service, it's particularly useful as I live in the US!
Tricia, October 2015
Wonderful site! Has not only saved me money but has actually enabled me to make urgent & important connections that would be impossible otherwise, as I only have a mobile phone and my bundle doesn’t allow access to any 08nn numbers at all. Many thanks! Tricia
Gerry, November 2015
That must be so galling.
I just realised that although I don’t visit this site often, it’s there when I need it & is such a great idea (in the same spirit as / bargain alerts (on, etc.) where the public can sumbit litlle bits of information that may not be much on its own, but makes up a great resource once it’s up and running and presented like this.
Note: I have started turning off my adblocker (uBlock Origin) on this and other Irish sites that help consumers. It ain’t much, but it’s good to support in some small way.
Keep up the good work!
Frank, January 2013
Kieran, February 2014
Nice one i recently was unavle to call my parts supplier for my business because they have left eircom and are now using 0818 , i call them 5 or 6 times per day (busy)and once or twice (quiet) good to see someone doing somthing here fairplay
Deirdre, April 2014
I just want to thank you very much for setting up and maintaining this website. I have used it a number of times and it is very useful.
Mervyn, December 2014
Well done. you are doing a fantastic job.keep it up.
ps Is there any way you could publicly name and shame those organisations who do not provide landlines.
Niall, July 2014
Many thanks for creating this excellent service. It's so galling to pay anything to access 'customer services' , particularly when I've already paid my mobile phone co money for minutes! Thank you again!
Dorothy, August 2011
Just want to say thanks for setting up such a great site. My son has gone to Canada and decided to set up online banking as he can't check his money from there. Only option when he received his pin was to ring a 0818 number. From Vancouver that would be a huge price. I looked up your site and found him an alternative ordinary number to call. Brilliant!!!
Orla, March 2016
Great website Diarmuid. A really good resource. Thanks for the information.
Godfrey, June 2013
Thanks for your website.
I have complained on so many occasions over the years about this same matter.
I have also complained about the money paid to TV presenters.
My solution was select one of these Presenters and don't watch their show.
Rating and advertising revenue(or lack of same) will do the rest for us.
There is one further issue about car parking charges being introduced in certain estates and would welcome your comments on how to deal with this matter.
Michael, April 2016
Good stuff!
Joe, November 2011
I stumbled across your website, which is so necessary. This so called lo-call number thing is such a scam. I am not quite sure who is gaining from it, but it is duping the consumer. People who have to ring Social Welfare and Citizens Information, who are usually the most vulnerable, are being fleeced. Even commercial concerns who are selling products to the public, are now using this number.
Edel, October 2014
love the site, great idea
Jane, May 2013
Thanks for the site, it's brilliant 🙂
Siobhan, November 2012
Many thanks again for this site, its excellent.
Alan, February 2012
Keep up the good work!
John, September 2011
This is a really brilliant website and I use it all the time and find in invaluable. Drives me crazy that you are calling to give someone business and they are charging you for the privilege. Keep up the excellent work.
Kieran, January 2016
Ulster Bank and Ulster Bank Home Insurance are major offenders! Good Site-They should just be banned at this stage or at least an alternative should be given!
Joey, June 2015
I have been referring to your website for years now and I would like to start with a HUGE thank-you for the wonderful work you have done in providing clear and transparent information to the Irish public. Well done! Great work!
Frank, April 2012
Firstly thank you very much for helping to fight these greedy people.
Cyriel, July 2014
Brilliant website, proven to me again today when I had to call the Revenue property tax. They never send me any documents, withheld the refund on my income tax as property tax was not paid (none is due!) and never mentioned the income tax refund was not going to be paid because of the property tax. Anyway, not happy that I had to call them, and pay for it on a 1890 number... Search on saynoto1890 and found a 01 alternative, WELL DONE YOU!
Jacqui, February 2014
Brilliant service. Thanks so much! I used to work for O2 and would refer all my customers to your site. I'm sure I wasn't supposed to 🙂
Rob, December 2011
I thought I would take time to thank you for getting these numbers, it has been a great help and a real money saver. It really pisses me of that these companies rip us off!!
Chris, August 2016
Thanks for a useful site.
Mary, February 2016
It was wonderful to find your site and even more wonderful to realise there is such a committed person on this planet. I'm nearly 70 and find some of the business world and government agencies becoming very convoluted and dishonourable - under the guise of transparency! Regards and big Godbless you - Mary
Timothy, March 2013
We still need to add in Geographic alternatives for people to dial numbers from NI and abroad
Example: Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) 0818715100 is 01-646-3600